Tac Intel: What to Expect


We need intelligence because everyone has gaps.

There will always be the "fog of war" in everything we do -- the things we don't know but need to know. This problem can become life threatening during emergencies.

The Tactical Intelligence Course is a 2-day course that teaches students how to collect information, analyze it, and produce intelligence in real-time for emergency preparedness and security planning. Class time runs from 8am-5pm. Students can also take part in optional field exercises on the first night, which runs from roughly 7-10pm.

This course prepares the student to become the "intelligence officer" during an emergency or disaster. Whether conducting disaster recovery and humanitarian response, or navigating a bug out, a natural disaster, civil unrest and rioting, or something worse, students graduate this course prepared to drive better decisions through intelligence.

The student will have an understanding of his/her roles and responsibilities, be able to direct collection, collect, and  produce threat intelligence. That’s our number one goal for any scenario — produce early warning and threat intelligence.


We begin by exploring and analyzing the threats and conditions we’re likely to face during an emergency or disaster scenario, and then work on building a local intelligence capacity that drives planning and decision-making throughout the disaster.

You’ll have the opportunity to do group or individual work where you’ll navigate the Intelligence Cycle and complete relevant intelligence products for your situation. We discuss Intelligence collection and then we collect. Then we discuss Intelligence analysis and we analyze incoming information in order to produce intelligence.

We also offer a 3-day version, which contains advanced and non-traditional collection techniques that will aid you with threat analysis and building out an Area Study.


Check out our Training page, which has our course schedule and additional courses we teach.